Session 09: Transportation | Healthy Community Living

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“Transportation continues to be one of the biggest barriers people with disabilities face in achieving independence. It impacts almost every facet of life, and it’s not just vehicles; the built environment provides its own set of challenges.”

– Billy Altom, Director
Association of Programs for Rural Independent Living



  • Transit or transportation both mean getting around outside your home
  • Before you set out to leave your home there are a few things to consider:
    • Checking the schedule for your entire trip
    • Will you need to transfer buses, trains, or planes?
    • Will you be using different transportation for longer trips, like a taxi or shuttle to the airport?
    • Stopping for gas or other stops for personal care along the way if you are riding in or driving a personal vehicle
    • Where you are going and any personal items you may need for the ride or items you might need once you arrive at your destination
    • Having a general plan to address any personal needs if you encounter a delay or other barriers
  • Transportation can include many barriers such as:
    • Traffic delays
    • Unexpected stops
    • Detours or alternative routes
    • Missing a flight
    • Inaccessibility
Cab driver loading something into cab's trunk

Short Trips

  • Short trips do not require too much planning and are completed in the same day
  • You might want to do extra planning if you are:
    • Using a type of transportation that is new to you
    • Going to a part of town or other location you have never been to before
    • Doing something else totally new as part of the trip, like going with new people or using a new mobility device
    • Using several types of transportation for the trip, such as using a bicycle for the first part but then returning home on a bus
  • It is easier to overcome barriers on short trips if you have an emergency contact or support network to help you engage safely and comfortably
  • The larger your town, the more transportation options you may have available to you
  • In smaller communities you may have to rely on yourself, your personal vehicle, friends, family or neighbors for rides
Person in a wheelchair with a backpack in an airport terminal

Long Trips

  • When you visit an unfamiliar location there might be different rules and transportation options, which means you may want to do research in advance to set yourself up for success
  • Have extra money stored safely on you, a cellphone you keep charged, and let people in your personal circle know where you are going
  • You may need more money for food, especially for longer trips
  • For longer trips, you may need to use a combination of travel: walking, bus, train, renting a vehicle, flying, and so on
  • You may want to plan each part of a trip before committing to buying tickets for any one part of the journey
Person with a white cane standing at a crosswalk

Your Local Area & Community

  • There can be a variety of reasons you might want to learn about your local area and surrounding community
  • The more you learn about transportation, routes, landmarks and other areas of interest that surround you, the easier it may be to find your way to destinations, and back home again
  • Businesses, transportation options, and smaller landmarks are always changing around you
  • It is a good idea to observe your local area, know the street names and numbers, and have a sense of the businesses and organizations near you
People sitting on a bench in a transportation hub

Public Transit Safety

  • There are lots of things to think about when you are using public transportation; one of the most important is your personal safety
  • Taking a few steps to help you ensure your personal safety will help you be safe and successful in transportation
  • In addition to personal safety you might also want to have a plan in case of an emergency



Transportation Apps:


Ferries- ADA terminal features. (2017). Retrieved January 13, 2017, from

How do I order medicaid transportation. (2017). Retrieved July 13, 2017, from

How to ask someone for a ride. (2016). Retrieved July 13, 2017, from

How to catch an amtrak train. (2017). Retrieved July 13, 2017, from

How to ride a washington state ferry. (2017). Retrieved July 13, 2017, from

How to ride the new york city subway. (2017). Retrieved July 13, 2017, from

Medicab. (2017). Retrieved July 13, 2017, from

Safety tips for pedestrians. (2017). Retrieved July 13, 2017, from

Video Credits

Bi-State Development (BSD)

Brad and Veronica Morris

Delaware River and Bay Authority / Cape May-Lewes Ferry

Easy Stand

Gwent Police

King County


UTA-Utah Transit Authority

View from a Walking Frame

Your Voice Counts

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