Balance Through Physical Activity | Healthy Community Living

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Balance Through Physical Activity

“A healthy lifestyle not only changes your body;
it changes your mind, your attitude, and your mood.”

– Anonymous

The backs of two people on a sidewalk, one of them walking and one of them in a power wheelchair


You can be healthier by moving more each day. Move in any way you can:

  • Wheel or walk to your destination instead of taking a car or bus
  • Go out instead of staying home
  • Break up your chores and do one thing each day
  • If you are able, park farther from the store
  • Take the stairs when you can instead of the elevator
  • Dance to your favorite song in your kitchen
Young man with a disability putting on a golf course

Physical Activities

  • What kinds of physical activities are best?
  • That depends on what you like doing
  • Fitness experts say a combination of aerobic, muscle-strengthening, and stretching activities are best for total physical fitness
Woman walking a small dog

Building More Activity Into Your Day

  • You have learned about the benefits of increased physical activity and some possible exercises to try
  • Now, it is time to use your problem solving skills to plan how to include more physical activity in your day
  • Remember that exercise contributes to your overall health and balance in each life area
A hand writing a list of goals

Keeping Yourself on Track

  • It is important to measure your progress as you increase your physical activity
  • Monitoring your progress can help you reach your goals and stay motivated
  • It also provides information about your physical activity program


Session Worksheets

Additional Resources

National Center on Healthy, Physical Activity and Disability (NCHPAD)


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