Advocacy | Healthy Community Living

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“Get into politics as if your life depended on it.
It does.”

– Justin Dart, Jr., Disability Advocate


Two women having a conversation


Previous sessions in this workshop have focused on solving problems in order to reach quality of life goals. You have learned skills such as:

  • managing frustration and discouragement
  • communicating effectively
  • finding, evaluating, and using information
  • eating well
  • improving your level of physical activity

This session brings these skills together to form a foundation for advocacy.

Woman standing on the street advocating


Your previous experiences in advocating for your needs may have been routine or nerve-wracking, depending on whom you were trying to convince.

  • For example, you may regularly tell your sibling what you need, but you may not want to speak up to your parents about it
  • Talking to a store clerk for help seems much easier than approaching a school principal or a doctor

A step-by-step approach can help you learn new advocacy skills or sharpen your existing skills. You may be surprised to find you already know many of the steps:

  1. Identify the need and set a goal
  2. Identify the solvable problems and write to do lists
  3. Seek useful information
  4. Communicate clearly
  5. Be patient and do not get discouraged
  6. Take care of yourself to perform at your best
Woman speaking to a full room

Group Advocacy

Self-advocacy can solve many problems, but some problems are too big for one person to solve.

  • These systems problems may require people to work together using group advocacy
  • A group of people has more credibility than a lone individual and can communicate more effectively to a wider audience
  • Many people benefit when a systems problem is solved
  • Systems advocacy is more efficient than advocating for change to address the same problem faced by individuals repeatedly


Session Worksheets

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