“Get into politics as if your life depended on it.
It does.”
– Justin Dart, Jr., Disability Advocate

Previous sessions in this workshop have focused on solving problems in order to reach quality of life goals. You have learned skills such as:
- managing frustration and discouragement
- communicating effectively
- finding, evaluating, and using information
- eating well
- improving your level of physical activity
This session brings these skills together to form a foundation for advocacy.

Your previous experiences in advocating for your needs may have been routine or nerve-wracking, depending on whom you were trying to convince.
- For example, you may regularly tell your sibling what you need, but you may not want to speak up to your parents about it
- Talking to a store clerk for help seems much easier than approaching a school principal or a doctor
A step-by-step approach can help you learn new advocacy skills or sharpen your existing skills. You may be surprised to find you already know many of the steps:
- Identify the need and set a goal
- Identify the solvable problems and write to do lists
- Seek useful information
- Communicate clearly
- Be patient and do not get discouraged
- Take care of yourself to perform at your best

Group Advocacy
Self-advocacy can solve many problems, but some problems are too big for one person to solve.
- These systems problems may require people to work together using group advocacy
- A group of people has more credibility than a lone individual and can communicate more effectively to a wider audience
- Many people benefit when a systems problem is solved
- Systems advocacy is more efficient than advocating for change to address the same problem faced by individuals repeatedly
Session Worksheets
My Self-Advocacy Steps
Role Assignment Worksheet
Online Resources
Advocacy Skill-Building Toolkit
KU Research & Training Center on Independent Living: Advocacy
KU Research & Training Center on Independent Living: Fact Sheets, Infographics, Booklets, Etc.
Americans with Disabilities Act National Network
A Free Online Training for College Students with Disabilities
Job Accommodation Network – Finding Workplace Accommodations
Fair Housing and Housing Discrimination Rules
Air Carrier Access Act and Air Travel Discrimination Rules
Section 504, Rehabilitation Act of 1973
Social Security Policies and Rules
Self-Advocacy Online Groups and Resources
Video: What is the Social Model of Disability?
Video: Introduction to Systems Advocacy
Video: Disability Advocacy & Media
Video: Service & Companion Animal Owners – Know Your Rights!
Video: Mike’s Story: From Isolation to Independence
Video: Conversations about Advocacy
Video: Advocacy in spinal cord injury and Elizabeth Fetter’s story
Video Credits
Disability Network Southwest Michigan